Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tunnel Vision

I noticed you sitting on the floor at Penn
I could tell by your expression how long it had been...

I could feel how you grieved in your own disbelief..
as sad as you were with no vision or relief...

You tried your best to accept and cope..
but when you lost in the end you gave up all hope...

As I stepped closer to see what I could do..
you were suprised yet realized I understood what you must have gone through...

I was so curious to see what you were crying about..
yes, if it were me I too would scream and shout...

But little did I know it was a cherished album of children from a long time ago..
and maybe they too are wondering where you did go... I walked away and back into the crowd, I thought if they witnessed
your sadness they would be proud...

I hope that you realize as your tears continue to flow..
the love in your heart for them shines brightly and
will always show...