Sunday, March 13, 2011


Its all we really have 'till the journey is no more...

up until the end..behind a wooden door..they call it death ~ because its for sure...

and for this reason alone, sometimes we need that second breath...

We all desire to start a new..
and if we didn't would else could we look forward too?

So you see its not shallow the need to renew
Things I never had the chance to tell you I know would have been important to you...

So just for a moment take a glance back..
and don't think of whats been lost, rather, what lacked...

...and should you laugh don't wonder why...
...and should you cry look up in the sky...
...then look for a reason within, and maybe you'll understand just where..
...we've all been..
...then come very, very close..cause your reflection in my eye is what I hope you'll see...

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