Monday, July 21, 2014


The ocean so sure
I crave your allure
I come to this place
to erase what I endure...

A summer's wind
 upon my face
frees me from
 unwanted grace

A summer's breeze
not a cloud in the sky
some things are accepted
others I wonder why...

Smell of salt air
your in my hair
this day is romantic
knowing your there

The fishermen coming
on July of the Fourth
there may be fish aboard
 life's lessons are taught...

The sand as it races
between our toes
signs of summer
a love that grows...

strolling along this beach you see..
I'd like to do it..
just you and me..

collecting shells in a pale to be
a mirror I'll make
so we can forever see..

The waves can be suttle
with the moons glow at night
it offers tender to the touch
when we go to bed at night...

So yes Mr. Ocean
I do love you so
memories I cherish
that I'll never let go...

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