Wednesday, August 24, 2011


What do you get from a feeling
when everything is unknown
What do you get from a feeling
when you feel so alone

How do you accept the loss of time
when everything about it is sublime

I can see you on the street
keeping the beat
laughing in bed
tickling each other's feet

How do I know away you won't go ?
and in a physical sense lose the chance
to show

What do you see when you look at the journey ?
your road ~ my path
ending a situation that was already too late
you ~ just arriving in the state
Yes, the appeal of the story is fate

Why do I feel these emotions so deep ?
...while in my soul the thought of you is safe
and that I'd like to keep

How is it, I know, that somehow, someway..your there..
and these words that I write..we share
Because you I..and hence
this is why...this all makes

PeRfEcT SeNsE..

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