Sunday, September 11, 2011

9 eleven

9 eleven

It's 9 11 ~ 10 years past
the grief within forever will last

I'm not sure how or were to begin
searching for answers...the void within

So long is the day
silent the night
the devastation thats been caused
thoughts forever in flight

A typical day and how it began
visions of dust when away they all ran

Planes crashing in to the Towers that day
good-byes never spoken that we were meant to say

I cannot imagine how this violence came to be
the world around...would agree with me

Lives that were lost a tragedy for sure
how much more are we expected ?
how much more to endure ?

Buildings turned to rubble
from the crash of those planes
violence and terror in memory remain

But we won't let you beat us eventhough the pain,
because you see...our loss.....would be your gain

so once again we will stand tall

were AMERICA you see...and it's FREEDOM for all !

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