Sunday, December 18, 2011

Seven Days 'till Bereft

Here I sit in the middle of the night
pen and thoughts randomly in flight

the sky is so dark
the air is so bare..
I wonder who else is alone out there..

the season is Christmas
another years past
patiently waiting..
some don't want it to last

its easy to write and to say what I feel
because through these eyes
the vision is real...

and maybe to some it seems like a rhyme
but hours I noticed ~ words written in time

there are children who are out there
they'll have nothing to get
others walk by them and about them forget..

so think for a moment of those you don't know
you see they walk with us..same and fro..

so find a reason to take from your shelf
as the one who may benefit...may just be yourself..


Monday, October 17, 2011


Some people give you stregnth each and everyday
Some people take it from you...and gloat on weakness anyway

Some people arouse you in a sensual way
While others want to be a part of..then realize..not today

Some people play music which inspires from within
Some people say no games ~ yet theres is to win

Some people have a path in which they want to walk
Some make it happen, others simply talk..

Some have a direction which becomes an accomplished find
Some create reality without the need to look behind

So look ahead if you dare
run your fingers through my hair
The sense about you is ~ you've always been there
and about you and for you I deeply care..

Its coming up the beginning time
days that were lost we'll make up for and shine

I can't give up and walk away...besides I don't want to anyway

So some people work and make it right
I may be that person..
but its you I wish to be with at night...

October 8, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Facing the SEE

Faces with eyes, although some cannot see
A comment they make, sometimes intuitively
the sense of self is superiority

A judgement they pass
usually callous and crass

Others feelings to them they claim is unknown
perhaps this is why some are comfortable alone

No I don't think its fair about others we do not care
even voicing this opinion ..I took a dare
you see most hide behind a phrase...
I was unaware

So how can it be that most do not see ?
for some its just easier to turn and flee

and when others decide to walk away
the one thats left standing
holds it in anyway...

and should you think some are unaware
I beg your pardon...but most have been there

and somewhere in time should you remember me
think of the words...what I write ~ is what I see

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Its surreal what you hear without saying a word
A language unspoken ~ echoes clearly heard

Interest inspired
truth incapable
of a lie...

Sentimental awareness
It doesn't matter why

Feelings relayed
without being betrayed

Honesty and trust
its not only about lust...
and for this reason alone
reality is a must...

So words written down
the only way I could
these feelings I relay
I hope are understood...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9 eleven

9 eleven

It's 9 11 ~ 10 years past
the grief within forever will last

I'm not sure how or were to begin
searching for answers...the void within

So long is the day
silent the night
the devastation thats been caused
thoughts forever in flight

A typical day and how it began
visions of dust when away they all ran

Planes crashing in to the Towers that day
good-byes never spoken that we were meant to say

I cannot imagine how this violence came to be
the world around...would agree with me

Lives that were lost a tragedy for sure
how much more are we expected ?
how much more to endure ?

Buildings turned to rubble
from the crash of those planes
violence and terror in memory remain

But we won't let you beat us eventhough the pain,
because you see...our loss.....would be your gain

so once again we will stand tall

were AMERICA you see...and it's FREEDOM for all !

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


What do you get from a feeling
when everything is unknown
What do you get from a feeling
when you feel so alone

How do you accept the loss of time
when everything about it is sublime

I can see you on the street
keeping the beat
laughing in bed
tickling each other's feet

How do I know away you won't go ?
and in a physical sense lose the chance
to show

What do you see when you look at the journey ?
your road ~ my path
ending a situation that was already too late
you ~ just arriving in the state
Yes, the appeal of the story is fate

Why do I feel these emotions so deep ?
...while in my soul the thought of you is safe
and that I'd like to keep

How is it, I know, that somehow, someway..your there..
and these words that I write..we share
Because you I..and hence
this is why...this all makes

PeRfEcT SeNsE..

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Raw emotion
not a passing notion

an expression that doesn't pass
it's meaning forever will last

Its what we derive, that keeps us alive
but much more than that
its incentive to strive

A time, a place
A vision we chase
and somewhere in time a memory we can't erase

A feeling to me thats everything but second place
in a constantly moving...rat race

But how does one know
where we will go ?
my answer to this ~ I really don't know

but that doesn't matter
as long as...together we flow

Sunday, August 14, 2011

MESSAGE TO MARLEY (May 11 th., 1981~ 30th. ann. of his death)

Thirty years ago you died today
your music in our minds forever will play

A peaceseeker and friend to all
it wasn't about height that made you tall

A vision
A dream
no in between

Equality you sought
A war within you fought

Injustice survived
your message revived
tunes to chant
new dreams to plant

Rita your love
your gift from above...

Freedom to live in harmony each and every day
sincerity from your soul
what you shared along the way

Your visit was short
humble lessons you taught
I assure you sir it wasn't for naught...

So good-bye we won't say
eventhough you went away
and for those who don't realize
don't get it anyway...

Thursday, August 11, 2011


The root of all evil
or the will to survive
experiences to live for that keeps us alive...

A soul without passion has nothing to share
A mind without reason is negative and bare...

So look to the sky and smile to the sun
today is a new day, and once again we've just begun..

and don't feel so guilty about what you should
or shouldn't do
you see it's your unique platform, that makes

And don't get so frustrated if things don't happen to be
and always remember ~ you may have touched someone you see.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


There's something in the air
I can't see it anywhere

It's not here
It's not there
It's not anywhere

I looked high
I looked low
while working about
you stole the show

It's a feeling I get without looking to the west
It's pure sensation
thats better than
good, better, best

A dream
A thought
Lessons life has taught

A gentle kiss
About You..there's nothing I want to miss

An image
You made it come alive
Yes..I must say...

So there's something in the air
and no I don't see it anywhere
but pleasure comes in life
to those who genuinely share

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Sing a song..
Play a tune..
A sunny day..
the month of June ?..

A jingle here..
A lyric there..

Express yourself if you dare...

A line thats new..
A line thats old..
It all comes together after the stories told...

You think its complex..
perhaps in between...
does anybody really know what it means?..

A blade of grass..
A flower too..
A little girl just for you..

A small boy.. who's out of sorts..
did you appreciate how good he was at sports ?..

No, all of this is nothing new..
just natures way of sharing between two...

..and in the recourse for you..
cause you see..their a reflection of you...

So write that song..
and play it loud..
as the day may come and they'll be proud...

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Camera, Camera what do you see...
Hiding behind a lense thats blind to me..

A click, a snap, your focus has a way that narrows the gap..

A Face
A Day
One moment in time..
with you we can preserve whats been left behind...

Clarity, a pose, I guess thats how it goes..
things I wanted you to see, but someone
else you chose...

Film that has happened just by chance
Capturing the soul at a moments glance...

A box, an album, safe places to keep..
I promise I'll look again and have another peek...

A smile in time that once was mine..
Days now that are missed..
You see without you I'm totally blind...

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Its all we really have 'till the journey is no more...

up until the end..behind a wooden door..they call it death ~ because its for sure...

and for this reason alone, sometimes we need that second breath...

We all desire to start a new..
and if we didn't would else could we look forward too?

So you see its not shallow the need to renew
Things I never had the chance to tell you I know would have been important to you...

So just for a moment take a glance back..
and don't think of whats been lost, rather, what lacked...

...and should you laugh don't wonder why...
...and should you cry look up in the sky...
...then look for a reason within, and maybe you'll understand just where..
...we've all been..
...then come very, very close..cause your reflection in my eye is what I hope you'll see...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tunnel Vision

I noticed you sitting on the floor at Penn
I could tell by your expression how long it had been...

I could feel how you grieved in your own disbelief..
as sad as you were with no vision or relief...

You tried your best to accept and cope..
but when you lost in the end you gave up all hope...

As I stepped closer to see what I could do..
you were suprised yet realized I understood what you must have gone through...

I was so curious to see what you were crying about..
yes, if it were me I too would scream and shout...

But little did I know it was a cherished album of children from a long time ago..
and maybe they too are wondering where you did go... I walked away and back into the crowd, I thought if they witnessed
your sadness they would be proud...

I hope that you realize as your tears continue to flow..
the love in your heart for them shines brightly and
will always show...